How Big Is 4 Inches -Things That Are 4 Inches Long (2024)

by itncp
how big is 4 inches

Measurements are considered significant in our practical life. Do you want to visualize How big is 4 inches? Measurements are often hard to understand without real-world examples and we always don’t keep a measuring instrument or a ruler with us. 4 inches is one such random measurement you often hear about. Does it ever confuse you to grasp how big 4 inches is? Well, don’t worry; today, we are going to explain how big is 4 inches measurement in detail. 

So next time you hear someone saying, “This is 4 inches long”, you may promptly comprehend without any hesitation.

how long is 4 inches

how long is 4 inches

How big is 4 inches:

4 inches isn’t too big. Have you ever enjoyed a popsicle? A popsicle is an ice pop and its estimated size is about 4.5 inches. This is not relatable to the exact size of 4 inches but you can grasp an idea of 4 inches measurement as it is near to 4 inches. Okay, let’s talk about the average width of a human hand. It is also almost about 4 inches.  It is as simple as it is but wait. Here are a few more examples in the article waiting for you ahead. 

Let’s first understand the conversation of 4 inches in a foot, centimeters, meters, and yards. 

4 inches in foot = 0.33 feet

4 inches in cm = 10 cm approximately

4 inches in meters = 0.1 meters approximately 

4 inches in yard = 0.11 yards approximately 

Here is one important point to consider that: 4 inches is much smaller than one yard as one yard is equivalent to the 36 inches 

4 inches = 0.33 feet = 10 cm = 0.1m = 0.11 yards

4 inches in meters

4 inches in meters

General items that are 4 Inches Big:

You will be amazed to know that there are many items that you use as regular household objects that are 4 inches long in size. You can measure them by taking a measuring tape with you.

The most known objects are;

  •  Popsicles 
  • Soda cans
  • Erasers
  • iPhone 5
  • Two credit cards
  • Four Paperclips 
  • Golf tees


Popsicles are one of the most common everyday items. Popsicles are frozen pops and their estimated size is approximately 4.5 inches. Have you ever thought that these frozen pops could be used to measure the size of 4 inches? The size of the popsicle is very near to 4 inches.

This is not a measurement perfectly equivalent to 4 inches but you can use the size of a popsicle to get an estimate of the size of 4 inches. Next time, when you are enjoying a popsicle, this approximation of size will come into your mind.



Soda Cans: 

There are various sizes available for soda cans but the most commonly known size is 4.83 inches. The regular soda cans are available in size near to 4 inches so, you can grasp an idea of the measurement of 4 inches by considering the height of a regular soda can. The height of the soda can is estimated to the approximately 4 inches.

Soda Cans

Soda Cans


If you have been a student of arts and crafts then the erasers would be your best buddies. Erasers are considered essential when you are drawing sketches or making outlines. You can not deny the importance of erasers in our daily life. Erasers are available in numerous shapes, colors and sizes.

The best erasers are made for kids and are manufactured in a variety of attractive shapes and colors. However, erasers for adult use are usually available in the standard size of 2 inches. You can put 2 erasers in line and get the measurement of 4 inches.



iPhone 5:

iPhone has become a trend and anticipation nowadays. Every other day, iPhone companies have been launching their new models and people nowadays are in a race to buy a new model of iPhone. iPhone 5 was released several years back in 2012.

The length of the display of the iPhone 5 is diagonal and exactly 4 inches. You don’t have to subtract or add anything from this to get 4 4-inch measurements. This is exactly measured as 4 inches. So, if you have access to the iPhone 5, you can check out how big is 4 inches.

iPhone 5

iPhone 5

Two Credit Cards:

The standard size of a credit card is 2.125 inches broad and the length is 3.37 inches. This is the standard size of credit cards internationally available. However, certain credit cards may have different lengths and widths. If you ever wanted to measure anything for four inches.

you can simply pull out 2 credit cards and by placing them side by side, you can get the length of 4.25 inches in total as the width of one card is equivalent to the 2.125 inches. This 4.25 measurement is very close to 4 inches so you can grasp an idea of measurement for measuring anything for 4 inches by utilizing your credit cards.

Two Credit Cards

Two Credit Cards

Four Paper Clips: 

Paperclips play a significant role in our daily lives as these are small and portable clips used to assemble papers and sheets. These clips help us to clean our desks and workplaces. No one would like to have a messed up desk with scattered sheets and papers. Paperclips are available in various colors and sizes but the small paperclips are commonly used for handling sheets and paperwork.

The size of these small paper clips is about 1 inch long. So, if you put 4 paperclips together in a vertical or horizontal row, you would be able to get the exact size of 4 inches. You have to make sure that the clips are placed together end to end then they will measure exactly 4 inches. You may also use other paperclips that have a length of 2 inches. For 2 inches paperclips you have to bind 2 paperclips together to get a measurement of 4 inches.

Four Paper Clips

Four Paper Clips

Golf Tees:

Golf is a well-known game where the players use to hit a small ball into some holes for a certain possible number of strikes. The golf tea is a small stick-like structure that is plunged into the ground to support the ball. The ball is placed over the golf tea. These golf teas are available in various sizes but the standard size that is most commonly used in the game is 2.125 inches. So if you place two golf teas together then you can get an approximate measurement of four inches. 

Golf Tees

Golf Tees

How long is 4 inches:

The length of 4 inches can be equivalent to various objects. Most commonly, a length of 4 inches is considered equal to 0.33 feet, 10 cm, 0.1 m and 0.11 yards approximately. This approximation would not be enough to get an idea of how long is 4 inches because you don’t always keep a measuring instrument or a ruler with you.

We can grasp a better idea of the length of 4 inches by relating this length to the objects used in our daily routine such as;

  • The 4 inches can be as long as a standard-sized pencil or pen.
  • 4 inches can be equivalent to the regular width of a DVD or a CD
  • The size of 4 inches can be approximated by placing two golf teas together as the size of one tea is equivalent to 2.125 inches.
  • To get an idea of how long 4 inches is, you can place four Paperclips together in vertical or horizontal rows as the size of one paperclip is equal to one inch exactly and by placing 4 together you can get 4 inches exactly.
  • The size of popsicle sticks is very near to 4 inches. This is not a measurement perfectly equivalent to 4 inches but you can use the size of a popsicle to grasp an estimate of the size of 4 inches. 

4 inches example:

The most possible examples of the objects that are estimated equivalent to the 4 inches are 

  • iPhone 5 
  • 4 paperclips 
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Two credit cards
  • 2 gold teas
  • A standard soda can
  • 2 erasers of standard size
  • A standard pen or pencil 
  • A small toy car
  • A small notebook or book 
  • A regular coffee stirrer 

How big is 4 inches on a ruler:

On a standard measuring scale, the 4 inches is equal to the lines representing 0 to 4. On a measuring ruler, the length between the 0 to 4 mark is considered 4 inches. To conceptualize this concept you can put your finger at the 0 marks on a measuring ruler and then slowly move that right up to the mark.

By doing so, you would be able to get the exact size of 4 inches. The rulers usually have small markings for every inch. The measurement of 4 inches can be easily measured on a standard ruler as it is a shorter distance 

How big is 4 inches on a ruler

How big is 4 inches on a ruler

4 inches on a screen:

The measurement of 4 inches on a screen is considered a small-sized screen such as the older models of iPhone would have the smaller screen as iPhone 5 and 8. A standard laptop has a 16-inch screen and 4 inches would be the quarter screen of a laptop. A video game screen can also be equivalent to 4 inches and some smaller tablets may also have screens for 4 inches. There can be various screen sizes depending upon the devices.

however, if you are in search of a 4-inch screen then the iPhone 5 would be the best example to ponder. iPhone 5 has the exact display size of 4 inches that was launched back in the year 2012. This is an older model of iPhone but if you have an iPhone 5 and you want to measure anything relative size of 4 inches then you can take out your iPhone 5 and measure the size by comparing the objects to the iPhone 5.


Summing up the article, if you want to measure how big 4 inches is, you can easily consider a popsicle stick, the height of a soda can, the length of two erasers, the display of iPhone 5, the length of 4 paper clips, length of two golf teas and the width of two credit cards. I’m hoping now that visualizing the length of 4 inches has become easier for you with the help of this article. See you! 


4 inches can be compared to which objects?

The 4 inches size can be compared to various objects such as the length of a popsicle stick, the height of a soda can, the length of two erasers, the display of iPhone 5, the length of 4 paper clips, lengths of two golf teas and the width of two credit cards.

How long is 4 inches?

The length of 4 inches is considered equal to 0.33 feet, 10 cm, 0.1 m and 0.11 yards approximately.

Name three objects that are relatable to the size of 4 inches

  • Popsicle sticks
  • iPhone 5 
  • A standard pen



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